Registration and Fees 2025

The player registration process involves two payments. One to Baseball Victoria (your player registration) and one to the La Trobe Baseball Club (your club fees).

Step 1: Baseball Victoria Registration and Payment

Senior - winter only player
(Did not play 2024/25 summer season)
Senior – summer/winter player
(Played senior baseball in 2024/25 summer season)
Junior – winter only player (age under 18)
(Did not play 2024/25 summer season)
Junior – summer/winter player (age under 18)
(Played Junior baseball in 2024/25 summer season)

Note: When registering with Baseball Victoria, existing players must use their existing account. New players must create a new account.

Note: The button below will be activated once BV enables Winter Registration.

Step 2: La Trobe Baseball Club Payment

Unemployed / Student Over 18 / Apprentice$220
La Trobe Student$120
6 Game Package$100
Single Game$20
Payment Plan (Choose an option)